Corporate Giving

Corporate giving is investing in your social responsibility.

Corporate giving can also help to boost your brand by supporting social causes, and, engage your employees on a deeper level by empowering them to help make a difference.

Here’s a couple of corporate giving suggestions. You may also have your own ideas.

Charitable donations

A charitable, tax-deductible donation allows your organisation to give money or resources directly to Access Industries. Structuring your giving this way allows your business to have an immediate impact.

Matching employee contributions

This method gets the whole team involved. It allows employees to make their own contribution and the company will match or double the donation amount to create a bigger impact.

We can support by providing information resources, merchandise to sell, an in-house or online presentation with a supported employee.

EOFY Tax Appeals

Access Industries is a charity organisation, therefore any donations paid are tax-deductible. (CFN 14342)

Keep the cycle of generosity going by recurring giving, claiming your tax deduction and helping to provide jobs for people with disability.

For further information on corporate giving contact the Fundraising Manager.