SupportJobs reaches our goal

Since we first started our SupportJobs campaign late last year, we are so pleased to announce that we have reached our goal of employing 15 people with disability.  In fact it’s now 19 new job placements. Thanks to you!

We had set our goal for end of June, so we are streaks ahead!  And we will keep going.

Your kind support goes directly towards providing the individual support a person with disability requires in the workplace to help them achieve their allocated tasks and employment goals.

We have business units operating in Sydney, Lithgow and Newcastle.  Eleven new starts are in our packing facilities in Sydney and eight new starts are in our timber manufacturing plant in Newcastle.  We are also developing our Work Exprience program with local schools in Sydney and Newcastle, where students with disability spend time learning tasks in our various business units, providing hands-on experience and pathways to employment whenthey leave school.

Thank you for you support.  Together we are making a difference.  We shall keep you updated with our important work throughout the year.